DCS-NEWS DCS: F-4E by Heatblur Simulations

I just want to reiterate that we have announced Winter as our release window. Yes; this can indeed stretch to basically the end of March. We’re not doing it to be mean, or to false hype, or create unnecessary stress on ourselves – we just need to have a broader window so we know that we can try to put the quality of the product as the #1 thing. In the end, everything else is secondary. Some of the stuff we’re doing is the hardest and toughest stuff we’ve ever done, e.g. Jester v2 and making him fully scriptable. We just have to try and hope that in the long run, it will matter and you will think it has been worth it too.

I’d also like to just note that keep in mind that we as people, developers, enthusiasts and a company that needs to release products and stay in business – are incentivized to get it to you as soon as possible. There is no reality in which we are better off by releasing later, or delaying, or causing you pain or annoyance. In fact, I’d argue that we are the ones that are most incentivized to release as soon as possible – for our own mental health, finances and excitement about wrapping up the F-14 and what lies beyond.

We operate at a loss currently, meaning that not only do we draw your ire by pushing towards the tail end of our window, but we also continue to accrue risk. But in the end- again- the product is what matters and I don’t ever want to be in a position where I’m ashamed to launch something.


IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Due to severe and unexpected issues with our new UI system during the commencement of mass testing; we've made the tough choice to delay DCS: F-4E until the early spring - with a strong target of April and a launch absolutely NO later than May. Read more about the reasons why and what the issues were here:
2 barre, single pulse, no filtri...auguri!

e nei giorni nostri due di questi hanno pure intercettato un drone pensando di essere fighi..per poco tempo

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Alto Basso