VEAO Development Road Map

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Hey Guys,
We thought it would be good for you to know our development roadmap.

The list is not final and will be changed at any time depending on contracts, agreements, discussions, etc. but this is our current roadmap.
The dates shown are indicative and not final!!

As Wags says, everything is subject to change...

For the packs, we will be doing certain discounts for number of aircraft bought, etc. and this is still being discussed and details will be revealed closer to sale time.

We are currently having discussions with aircraft manufacturers, owners of aircraft and collectors so some things may be included in packs and collections may not yet be shown on here but I'll update the list as and when we have agreements.

We will keep this list as up to date as possible as things develop and contracts are agreed.

We have multiple teams working on different projects, so the old "finish one before you start another" is not relevant. We will not overstretch the teams or the business!!

The * next to the aircraft indicates that we are in contract with ED for those.

We hope you like the selection of aircraft and maps and look forward to a great future in DCS with you!!


DCS Air Force Training Pack
BAE Hawk T.1A – July/August 2014 *
Short Tucano – July 2015
Grob G115E Tutor – July 2015
Pilatus Pc21

DCS Warbirds Collection
Curtiss P-40F - December 2014 *
Grumman F8F Bearcat – February 2015 *
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV – April 2015 *
HA-1112 Buchon - May 2015 *
Hawker Typhoon – Q3 2015
Grumman Wildcat – Q4 2015
Dehaviland Mosquito Mk IV
Dehaviland Mosquito Mk XVI
Messerchmitt Me109T
Supermarine Seafire 17
Hawker Sea Hurricane
Hawker Sea Hawk
Curtiss Hawk 75
Curtiss P-40C
Focke Wulf FW190A-8 / F-8
Messerschmitt Bf109-E4
North American A-36 Apache
Douglass DC3

DCS Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (RAFBBMF)
We are currently in discussion with them to develop the pack and an announcement will be made soon.
Avro Lancaster
Douglas C-47 Dakota
Hawker Hurricane MkI
Hawker Hurricane MkIIb
Various Supermarine Spitfire’s in their collection

DCS Fast Jets
Eurofighter Typhoon – 2015 *
Boeing A330 MRTT Refueller – Included with the Typhoon as AI then developed ASM/EFM after to be sold separately.
A-4C Skyhawk – July 2015
A-4M Skyhawk – December 2015
Dassault Rafale
Hunter Hawker
Dehaviland Venom
Dehaviland Vampire
Panavia Tornado GR1
Hawker Siddley FAS1 SeaHarrier
North American T-28 Fennec
DCS Helicopters
Boeing/Augusta AH64D Apache
Westland Lynx
Westland Wessex
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
Aerospatial Puma

Map Areas
Duxford (test development map)
North Africa – Tubruq
Mach Loop – Welsh Valleys
Falkland Islands
BAE Hawk T.1A – July/August 2014
Pilatus PC-21
Eurofighter Typhoon – 2015
Panavia Tornado GR1
Boeing/Augusta AH64D Apache
Boeing CH-47 Chinook

*___* PC-21 e JAS Gripen se mi danno la skin della Schweizer Luftwaffe sarei disposto a pagare il modulo singolo centinaia di eurini  :hardcore:

Il PC-21 credo sia la cosa più figa mai vista, addestratore turboprop con interfaccia da caccia moderno, roba da sbavo, utilizzato dai piloti dell'esercito per passare dal PC-7 al F/A-18C  [:brav:]

Il JAS Gripen non lo conosco bene, so solo che è svedese e noi svizzeri dovremmo averne comprati in quantità per pensionare il tanto amato Hornet, tuttavia ci sono un sacco di perplessità sul fatto che sia ancora un progetto (parlando del modello "NG/IN Next Generation") troppo prematuro e poco concreto (l'F35 all'Italia allora?  [:craniate] ).

L'Eurofighter, beh, credo che lo conosciamo tutti bene e che chiunque voglia metterci le mani sopra..  :D

Il Tornado GR.1 è molto interessante ma ho un po' di perplessità, non è che fa la fine del Su-33? x)

L'AH-64D Apache credo sia la cosa più succulenta che sia stata annunciata, il presupposto è che per allora venga sviluppata la possibilità di avere una crew multiplayer e non IA, staremo a vedere cosa si inventano..

Per il Chinhook, che dire... Su ArmA lo Huey è una passeggiata da portare, ci fai le peggio cose e lo tieni sempre e comunque in aria, il Chinhook invece è un vero e proprio :palincul: da portare e se l'UH-1H è difficile da portare su DCS non voglio immaginarmi quel bestione..

Spero non "sprechino" troppo tempo sui modelli degli aerei della WW2, la gente ha già a disposizione un sacco di simulatori del genere, anche perché non hanno troppo senso senza lo scenario corretto e le truppe corrispondenti..  [:craniate]

Predator ha scritto:
Ho capito bene? É una lista delle cose che faranno?

Ciò che faranno da qui fino al 2024..


Il modulo HAWK lo hanno utilizzato come test per vedere se erano in grado di riprodurre un velivolo in DCS... la ED da quello che ho capito è rimasta contenta del lavoro fatto dal team VEAO e ha concesso i diritti per tutti i moduli sopra riportati.

Le difficoltà maggiori le avranno con gli aerei più moderni.

La cosa bella è che ci sono anche gli scenari.... si stà muovendo qualcosa di importante anche per le terze parti che forse hanno in  mano l'SDK dell'EDGE.
Per gli aerei della WWII hanno un Team gestito da Pman che è già da tempo al lavoro e credo che li vedremo uscire come funghi dopo una giornata di pioggia nel 2015.

Pe gli aerei moderni come dicevo avranno più difficoltà per il fatto che molte cose sono secretate e non possono essere implementate, ma alla fine che di noi può dire di esser salito su uno di questi aerei e che non sono fedeli...a parte Beppe sul Tornado!
Gripen, Eurofighter, Tornado e Rafale?? Per ora è impossibile se ancora non è riuscita la ED a implementare un buon radar A2G..
Gli altri ben vengano.. sopratutto gli scenari.. ;)

Sono contento che la ED abbia dato via libera ai progetti VEAO, ora sarà solo questione di tempo.......taaaanto tempo [:tapedansboite]
Hypnos ha scritto:
Secondo me hanno bevuto un tantino troppo...

Infatti , o forse hanno cambiato lo spacciatore e la roba che gli ha venduto è veramente di qualità infima , non si spiega altrimenti un' annuncio del genere che fà appena ridere per non dire di peggio ,se non altro vedendo quello che stanno combinando con l' Hawk sia per la grafica e modello di volo ma sopratutto come tempistica di sviluppo , e stiamo parlando di un addestratore privo di avionica...

Davvero mi piacerebbe sapere chi è la mente malata che ha partorito questa road map , ridicoli... :uhhuhh:

Come si può tradure in inglese la frase "Cacare fuori dal vaso"? [ehmmm]


Ka, se ti do una mano mi lasci un feudo poco oltre il confine Italia-Austria? [:brav:]
E' ufficiale, dopo aver annunciato l'NH-90, si sono accorti di non avere abbastanza programmatori per seguire tutti i lavori, e questi di VEAO che ti combinano? Rimuovono completamente la roadmap sugli elicotteri.

Questa è quella aggiornata ad oggi:

Hey Guys,
We thought it would be good for you to know our development roadmap.

The list is not final and will be changed at any time depending on contracts, agreements, discussions, etc. but this is our current roadmap.
The dates shown are indicative and not final!!

As Wags says, everything is subject to change...

For the packs, we will be doing certain discounts for number of aircraft bought, etc. and this is still being discussed and details will be revealed closer to sale time.

We are currently having discussions with aircraft manufacturers, owners of aircraft and collectors so some things may be included in packs and collections may not yet be shown on here but I'll update the list as and when we have agreements.

We will keep this list as up to date as possible as things develop and contracts are agreed.

We have multiple teams working on different projects, so the old "finish one before you start another" is not relevant. We will not overstretch the teams or the business!!

The * next to the aircraft indicates that we are in contract with ED for those.

We hope you like the selection of aircraft and maps and look forward to a great future in DCS with you!!


All aircraft will be developed with full ASM and EFM to PFM standards (PFM where we can get them to that level).

DCS Air Force Training Pack
BAE Hawk T.1A – October 2014 Released
Short Tucano
Grob G115E Tutor
Pilatus Pc21

DCS Warbirds Collection
Curtiss P-40F - September 2015 *
Grumman F8F Bearcat – Q4 2015 *
Supermarine Spitfire Mk XIV – Q4 2015 *
HA-1112 Buchon - Q4 2015 *
Hawker Typhoon
Grumman Wildcat - Q4 2015
Dehaviland Mosquito Mk IV
Dehaviland Mosquito Mk XVI
Messerchmitt Me109T
Supermarine Seafire 17
Hawker Sea Hurricane
Hawker Sea Hawk
Curtiss Hawk 75
Curtiss P-40C
Focke Wulf FW190A-8 / F-8
Messerschmitt Bf109-E4
North American A-36 Apache

DCS Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (RAFBBMF)
We are currently in discussion with them to develop the pack and an announcement will be made soon.
Avro Lancaster
Douglas C-47 Dakota
Hawker Hurricane MkI
Hawker Hurricane MkIIb
Various Supermarine Spitfire’s in their collection

DCS Jets
Eurofighter Typhoon – 2015 *
Airbus A330 MRTT Refueller – Included with the Typhoon as AI then developed ASM/EFM after to be sold separately.
Dassault Rafale
Hunter Hawker
Dehaviland Venom
Dehaviland Vampire
Panavia Tornado GR1
Hawker Siddley FAS1 SeaHarrier
Gloster Meteor
English Electric Lightning

Map Areas
Duxford (test development map)
North Africa – Tubruq
Mach Loop – Welsh Valleys
Falkland Islands

Ecco il messaggio che conferma il retrofrunt sugli elicotteri.

Hey Guys,

Well it didn’t take you long to spot that now did it!

Yeah I am sorry to confirm that for the time being at least we have pulled all our rotary projects including NH-90.

I completed an annual review recently on the progress of the modules in development along with all the process’ that we are going through for them. As part of that I have to assess viability for each project, when we came out with our roadmap we have envisioned that we would recruit at least 3 new programmers, in reality we only got 1 on top of the 2 we had already. In short it’s just too much work and without extra programmers helo’s were just something that was in the long grass. Compounded by the fact that we do not have any work outside of DCS that encompasses helo’s it made them the category that was the one to go.

That is not saying that they won’t come back at some point in time, just that it is not right now and that it won’t be in the next 3-4 years which is what this roadmap is primarily focused on.

For the time being we are concentrating on what we are becoming experts on, Warbirds, Early Jets and of course Typhoon!

Thanks for your understanding

VEAO Consumer Products Manager
... ma "sicuramente" proseguiranno nel "lavoretto" dell'Eurofighter, del Rafale e del Gripen...  sì sì come no!  :ohyes:
Ovviamente, la ED ci mette una vita a fare l'F-18 e loro a fine anno rilasciano l'EFA... e poi babbo natale sposa Biancaneve (e mi sono tenuto lontano dalle volgarità!...)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Development Update October 2015

Hey guys,
Here is the dev update for October.

First let me recap on some things that happened during September.
The obvious thing to discuss is the 1.5.0 OpenBeta release and I hope you've all enjoyed flying Hawk around in it, I certainly have.
We have had some valuable feedback from you and our testers to the bugs that have arisen in 1.5.0 and I'd like to assure you that we are working on them.

We have taken on new team members to help out with various projects and they've started to integrate well into the team and their respective projects.
Pete and I allocate resource where we best need it and best suited to the skill of the person. That could be working on bugs or additional features across multiple projects depending on their skill set.
I will be interviewing a few more people with Pete over the coming weeks to increase our already sizeable team.

I'd also like to extend huge thanks to other 3rd party devs for their support and help in trying to nail down bugs and issues. It's great to work with you for a common goal!!

1.5.0 OB has thrown up some unexpected bugs and we are working through those. See my other post regarding what we're working on and again many thanks for your reports and feedback.

EFM development is well underway and I have been flying around this week on our own flight model which is a big milestone for me personally. It still needs a few tweaks before I can give it to the Hawk pilots and our testers for feedback and we have a team meeting tonight to discuss just this.
Keep an eye out for some more news towards the end of the month.

Radios is next on the list to tackle with the new resource as it drives me nuts that we haven't been able to get them working effectively since the product released almost a year ago!!
We are essentially going to start again from scratch on the radios as trying to work out why the existing code is not working has been eluding us for a long time now.

Our mission designer Javelin has had some issues at home and has had to focus on his family. I'm catching up with him next week to see where he's at with some additional training missions he's been working on for a while now.
I hope you've listened to Jav in the updated Cold Start training mission and we certainly look forward to bringing more advanced training missions with his voice soon.
I've thoroughly enjoyed flying his VFR navigation mission recently testing it.

Close Air Support
A lot of people don't think Hawk is an effective war machine and is just a trainer. Well we hope to change that view with some planned advanced CAS missions with our partner Close Air Solutions which I've mentioned in the past. More details on that soon.

New cockpit textures have been delayed slightly whilst we are fixing issues with the updated P-40F cockpit textures but the artist has started on the Hawk ones.

So, when will it be out of Beta I hear some of you asking on various forums. Well, when EFM and radios are complete the jet will be feature complete and out of Beta development.

I've already covered rear cockpit integration in the September update; however I am still evaluating the code to see if we can at least switch seats visually. It's not as simple as switching the view point unfortunately.

Work is well underway with my beloved Tiffy and we're making good progress on the digital displays.
Right now we are working on our "demo" version of the aircraft until such time as the new external and cockpit 3D model are complete.

Now I'll hand you over to Pete for his update.



Well it’s fair to say that we have hit a few snags along the road with the development of the P-40F. The 2 largest ones include calculations on prop efficiency and a bug with the landing gear compression.

The landing gear compression issue is to do with the way that the “overall downforce” is calculated, for example, weight of the aircraft vs lift generated or in some circumstances downforce generated. This will in basic terms allow us to calculate how low the aircraft should sit in its compression. The aircraft was sitting too high on its gear and causing to be top heavy on the ground and unstable on the take-off or landing roll. We think we have this under control now and testing is carrying on.

The Prop Eff issue is to do with the thrust generation from changes to the prop (Pitch, Speed etc) we haven’t got a power curve that I am happy with yet.

Once this has been done we will get more pilot feedback and then out to our testers.

Externally the textures are pretty much finished and the damage model has been implemented and tested (it works!) The cockpit textures are being updated as I type this and will be ready for the Open Beta.

Our internal testers have been shooting down the P-40 for a few weeks now and the AI is behaving reasonably well J

We have agreed with The Fighter Collection to use their P-40F for sound recording, sadly due to operational requirements we were unable to do this before the winter shutdown and now we will have to wait until the Spring (April) before we can record the sounds. Until then we expect P-40 to use the stock DCS prop sounds. I feel it is better to wait to obtain the real recordings then to try and artistically create them.

Other Projects

I am not going to go into too many details about the other projects but I will touch on a few things.

Meteor is mesh complete and external and internal texturing has begun. The EFM and ASM are in the basic stage and work will continue after Hawk’s EFM is completed.

Vampire has had some cockpit revisions after a long set of discussions with some experienced Vampire pilots, the problem with this aircraft is that there is no “stock” configuration so it’s had to have a few revisions. External mesh is Complete and texturing has begun. Expect this after Meteor.

Bearcat is having some major remodelling work done after the illness that befell the previous modeller, I have had to accept that this is going to be shunted into the long grass, however I have lined up another cat to replace it in the shorter term, this aircraft is mesh complete and external and internal textures are in an advanced stage. EFM and ASM are in the basic stage and development will continue once P-40F is in open beta.

Other projects – More on them closer to the time.

Well I guess that’s the lot from me

All the best

2016 - A Year in Review
Hey Guys,
I hope you have all had great Christmas celebrations and are enjoying the time off work if you are just having holidays and don't celebrate.
I can't believe we are at the end of another year already and this one in particular for me has seem to have gone so quickly.
That said, the last several months have certainly been very interesting on our military side of the business which is propelling us into a busy development year for 2017, which is awesome!!
What this also means is that investment from that side of the business is making our consumer products stronger and better.

On the DCS front we have had some big ups and downs over the past year with some great wins like Hawk rear seat implementation and, on the other side of that coin, delays with P-40 of which Pete will mention in his text below.

We have lost some of our development team and have gained new members of the VEAO family. For those that have gone, we wish you all the best in your en-devours and to those that have started this year or due to start in 2017; what are you doing reading this, get back to work!!! hehe

On that note the VEAO office is closed for the holiday break with some members of our development family returning early January, some a little later in January.

So, what's in store for 2017....
Well for me it will be a busy time developing our military projects, securing more military work for the year and those beyond, demonstrating our capabilities within DCS and of course showcasing DCS itself which is second-to-none when it comes to military simulators and the capabilities of the simulator that we all love flying or even driving in.
DCS itself has come on leaps and bounds with the latest installments and we can't wait to develop systems and functionality for what is yet to come <no spoilers>.

You will see vast improvements in technology for DCS; VR being a classic example of this and we are excited to announce some partnerships early in the New Year, so keep an eye out for announcements!!

I'll leave the consumer side of things to Pete in his text below and just want to assure you that we are working as diligently and as fast as possible to get new DCS products out to you whilst keeping the DCS quality mantra high.
You will see some vast improvements to Hawk (2.0 we are calling it internally) and you will already see these achievements in P-40 and our future products for next year and beyond.

The whole VEAO family wish you a Happy New Year and look forward to the future of DCS and our products.

Many thanks for all of you support thus far and into the future,

And here'a note or two from Pete....

Hi Guys,

Well what a year 2016 has been, full of ups and downs and all kinds of madness! So I am guessing that you all want to know where we are with the consumer products, specifically P-40F, Spitfire XIV and the other warbirds.

With P-40F we have been doing a lot of fly to the numbers testing, comparing climb rates, glide rates, roll rates and all kinds of rates. A lot of time over the past couple of months has been spent by the team working on getting these key performance indicators correct. It a core objective of this module that it is the most accurate representation of a P-40F that has ever been released to the flight sim community, DCS or otherwise.

We have pretty much finalised a lot of the ASM systems including electronics, Hydraulics and flight control systems, weaponry is in full working (and tested!) order. The textures have been finalised bar a few small tweaks for both the external and internal. Engine management is currently the focus of our programmers, myself included, to ensure that the start-up and management of the engine is not so predictable, it needs to feel alive and that is certainly how she is feeling at the moment.

We firmly believe that when you fly a warbird it is far more than simply a collection of metal, they are all individual machines with their own little quirks and nuisances.

The P-40 has been provisionally combat tested with the other warbirds and although it is fair to say that while she is not the top dog, she is capable of pulling out the odd surprise! Besides there is something to be said for evading while hiding behind fighter cover isn’t there. Make those Spitfires work for their medals!

We are still working through damage modelling with ED, this is a long standing issue that all 3rd parties are suffering to one degree or another and ED are working hard and diligently to improve the interface so that we can bring more depth to the functionality we have already. More news on this as it develops.

So what’s left and why the delay? Well first let me apologise as there is no one who wants the P-40 to be out of our stable more than Chris and I however sometimes things crop up and it is left to me to make the decision as to if it is acceptable to go ahead without a fix or if it needs attention.
Coming from the community myself I understand hardheartedly how important is to release a quality product and at the same time being dedicated to continually improve that product throughout its entire cycle. So yes, some of the delay falls at my door as I will not let something go out when I am not happy with it, hopefully this means that when the product is downloadable for you guys, you have something that will knock your socks off the first time you fly it!

So what’s left; well once the engine management has been completed we want to go over the departure from controlled flight parameters again and refine those behaviors and once that is done, and bugs pending, we will do another round of internal testing with some of our guys to check for glaring issues but after that it is looking rosy for the P-40. A lot of smaller bugs are continually being squished as well, the list is getting shorter, I promise you that.

One thing I can tell you is that quite a few people at various public events and some people privately have flown the P-40F and have contributed to the development of the module and the overall feedback is amazing, They have all commented on how alive the aircraft feels and that you have to fly the aeroplane and not ride along like simulators of years gone by, this was extremely pleasing for the entire team to hear as that is a key objective of ours, to make it real.

We have also spent quite a lot of time optimising the P-40F for the 3D environment with a number of our team testing the P-40 on Rift and Vive and again the feedback has been very positive, so those of you lucky enough to have one of these devices I am sure will appreciate the level of work put in by Gibbage and Rock.

Spitfire has been rattling along at a pace behind the scenes as well, Rock I notice has been sneaking more screenies onto the Spitfire threads so if you haven’t seen them then please go along and hunt them down! Well worth a look. Producing a Spitfire XIV has given us some new, but not insurmountable, challenges, especially that engine, I believe it will really be a case of the cat among the Pigeon when this finally leaves the stable. Through work with one of our partners we remain in close contact with an airworthy example of the type as well as having some of the most experience Warbird pilots on call for feedback and testing purposes. It is fair to say that Spit has been held back while we work on issues with the P-40, no denying that, however I firmly believe that Spit will be the better for it. I know Rock is constantly on about it to me, so rest assured I am getting it in the neck on your behalf!

No one likes delays, no one likes having to say to you guys that we are not ready yet. Rest assured we are working our asses off to get the P-40 and the other aircraft to you as soon as viable. We are very proud of the shape that she is taking and I can’t wait to see some of you flying her online with some of us!

Lastly, I want to publicly thank the entire VEAO Family for their hard and diligent work this year, Many hundreds if not thousands of hours have been spent away from their families staring at Max, Photoshop or Studio when they could be off enjoying time with their loved ones. I want to offer my personal Thanks to each and every one of the 35+ staff that we have on roster, your work is deeply appreciated.

We have a very exciting 2017 to look forward to and from me and the rest of the Consumer products workforce here at VEAO I want to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas and all the very Best of Wishes for 2017.

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