

Personale a Terra
Non è una terza parte, o almeno no ancora... però gli si può dare fiducia...




Remember this:

Well we now have this:

Photo Album Found here:

HoggitDev is happy to announce the development of the Douglas A-4E Skyhawk attack aircraft for DCS World. Our primary mission at HoggitDev is to provide a meeting place for the developers and aviation enthusiasts within the greater /r/hoggit community to collaborate and volunteer on a module that will eventually be available to all pilots at no cost.

Our initial effort is a SFM/SSM module of the aircraft, including period-specific armament, from groundwork laid out by /u/kryb with his external model of the A-4E Skyhawk.  We are pleased to reveal that we have made significant progress toward our goal in just a few weeks, and at this time we’d like to mention some key accomplishments, and review our upcoming challenges.


Meet the Team and the Current Areas of Development

3D-Art, Our project lead /u/kryb has graciously sponsored our efforts by including HoggitDev in the full development of his externally modelled Skyhawk.  We also have modelling department gurus creating auxiliary components such as ordnance and ground start equipment, and /u/Merker6 has spearheaded cockpit modelling.


2D-Art, The 2D department, lead by /u/gospadinperoda and /u/DrMarianus, is helping tune the UV unwrap of our 3D models in preparation for texturing and livery creation.  They have an interim paintkit being shared by a few 2D developers, though it is evolving alongside the unwrap.


Coding, Coding team, lead by /u/Shavik, is currently initiating flight model debugging environments so we can gather data from the current flight model settings.  They will be working closely with the modelling department to integrate animations with their corresponding dynamic input from the external world in DCS.  Eventually this debug environment will help with flight model improvements.

Research, Primarily the research department, lead by /u/SJCape, is on-call for requests from other departments.  Secondarily they gather all available research data regarding anything related to the Skyhawk. Research department is also currently responsible for evaluating the feasibility of future projects.


Coordination, Our coordination team, /u/indiadamjones and /u/LevelPulse,  is busy keeping HoggitDev organized at departmental level by improving responsiveness for information requests, and setting team goals, while keeping the required services up and running. Coordination team also has human resources as their responsibility. The team intends to provide accurate information regarding the skills and abilities of an individual volunteer and direct them towards our common goal.


HoggitDev is Always Recruiting New Volunteers

HoggitDev is organized with different departments and flexible roles. These roles are filled with people with highly variable amounts of experience and expertise in required fields - some of us are pros or semi-pros in our fields, other are enthusiastic novices.

Do you share our passion for /r/hoggit, DCS or aviation in general?

Would you like to put your art and computer skills to use for the community and join the HoggitDev as a volunteer?

We invite you to join us at the HoggitDev virtual offices and to offer us your skills. Our virtual offices are open 24/7 and while HoggitDev volunteers generally commit 5-20 hours per week for the current project, you decide your own commitment and schedule. While we don’t offer salary and you need to make your own coffee,  we do offer a group of aviation enthusiasts and gamers that you will love to engage with. Contact us whenever you prefer, and let us know your area of interest!


We Also Take Nominations for the Next HoggitDev Project

Everyone has a favorite aircraft that they’d like to take for a spin in DCS. We at HoggitDev would like to fill these dreams in the future and we are listening to your nominations for the next project.

The next project isn’t chosen just by based on popularity, for understandable reasons. We need to consider things like available skills, information sources, time-estimates and so on. When you nominate a new airframe for us to consider, we’d like you to offer us a little explanation for your nomination. The research department will evaluate the feasibility of the suggested aircraft as the next project, but the minimal requirement for a nomination is a honest list of pro’s and con’s.


When is the Release?

We haven’t set the release date yet at this early stage of development.

TL;DR Please see the images here:


Update 1: January
Update 2: February
Update 3: March
Update 4: May

questo l'ultimo update sul A-4E.

HoggitDev A-4E May 2016 Update


It's raining gauges!

After a bit of a lull in late March, we picked up some momentum again in April and May has been a hectic month for the team.  There are two big changes this month.

First, we've finally imported a draft version of our team-developed cockpit into DCS (thanks to Merker6!), and thus are now using that model instead of the placeholder we'd been using previously.  With our own model, we've been able to start animating and connecting clickable gauges, as well as programming up the systems behind them.  While the shapes and unwraps still need a lot of work (though we've been able to integrate plusnine's gauges), this has allowed us to learn how to build a DCS cockpit.

Instrument panel with temporary unwrap while we work on functionality:

With all of this work from Merker6, plus a lot of code and debug from gyrovague, kryb and myself, with a special contribution from uboats for the nav system, the following gauges and systems are now working in our A-4E:

  • ILS glide slope support (fictional/hidden mode)
  • Attitude and Direction Indicator (ADI)
  • Standby Attitude Indicator
  • Bearing Distance Heading Indicator (BDHI) w/ TACAN bearing & range (needle 2) and NDB bearing (needle 1)
  • Fuel flow & Fuel quantity (internal and external via selector pushbutton, works accurately through refueling/defueling and tank jettison)
  • Armament Panel (master arm switch, gun ready switch, weapon mode dial, and pylon selector switches)
  • 8 day clock
  • Barometric altimeter w/ Kollsman window & adjustment knob
  • Radar altimeter w/ adjustable warning altitude
  • AoA Indicator w/ cruise, landing and stall markings
  • Vertical Speed Indicator
  • G-meter
  • Engine RPM & Temperature gauges
  • Airspeed Indicator with Mach dial
  • Flaps & Gear Indicator Panel
  • Primary & Secondary electrical busses

The second major evolution is in the external texturing.  Jones and plusnine have finished the "huffer" model and textures, which appears automatically when the airplane is parked with the engine speed below idle.  Further, plusnine has been putting a lot of time and energy into the effects layers for our external model, and combined with Kryb's model tweaks and bottom unwrap improvements, plus the beginning of the undercarriage and connector unwrap, our model is starting to look a lot more realistic in-game.  I have a lot of work to do improving the liveries and we're constantly making improvements, but all-in-all it looks a lot better than two months ago.  plusnine has also generated our first specmaps, to vary reflection across the salt-worn fuselages.

The start of our A-4E "elephant walk":

Additional animation includes nose wheel steering (rarely installed on the A-4E, but we can't do differential braking in the SFM so we're going to keep it), pilot head turning/position, canopy animation inside-and-out, and a working gunsight.

Lastly, we've been tweaking the SFM and gyrovague was able to get our landing spoilers to work in the SFM  through a neat trick.  While they are modeled relatively simply, arming them will cause them to deploy automatically at touchdown, and they will shorten overall stopping distance by about 30%.  Brake strength isn't something we can adjust in the SFM so landing rollouts are quite a bit shorter than actual, but it's still neat to get the spoilers working and feel their effect.

Spoilers just before touchdown:

Spoilers at touchdown:

Finally, here's a link to a quick mission video that shows off most of the working systems:

Part 1:  Startup, Taxi and Takeoff (5 minutes)

Part 2: Attack run on a convoy of trucks using Mk-82 Snakeye bombs. (3.5 minutes)

Part 3: TACAN navigation, approach, and landing.  (5 minutes)

Thanks everyone, hope you're having as much fun as we are.  Until next month!  :pilotfly:
