DCS-NEWS DCS L-39 Albatros


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DCS: L-39 Albatros is now available for pre-purchase!

The Fighter Collection with Eagle Dynamics are happy to announce that DCS: L-39 is available for pre-purchase from the DCS E-Shop. The pre-purchase provides both a 20% discount off the retail price and access to the Open Beta coming in September 2015.

Store at DCS E-Shop

DCS: L-39 will sell for $49.99 at September 2015. Pre-purchase now for $39.99 and save 20%!
In addition to the 20% purchase discount, pre-purchasers will receive a 20% full-price value in bonus points for future purchases!

The L-39 Albatros is a low-wing, high-performance jet aircraft that doubles as a trainer and light attack aircraft. The Albatros was developed in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s to replace older L-29 jet trainers. Powered by an Ivchenko AI-25TL turbofan engine, the L-39 has a top speed of Mach 0.80, a service ceiling of 11,000 m (36,100 feet), and can pull up to 8 G. Although primarily used as a trainer and light attack aircraft, the L-39 has also become popular with several aerial acrobatics demonstration teams.

Being a trainer aircraft, the L-39C has a tandem cockpit with the student in front and the instructor in the back. The instructor has several controls to mimic system failures to test the student. The L-39C also has two underwing pylons for bombs, rockets and close range air-to- air missiles. For decades, the L-39 was used by nations around the world to train pilots that later went on to fly aircraft like the MiG-29 and Su-27.

Key Features of the DCS: L-39 Albatros:

Professional Flight Model that accurately mimics the performance and flight characteristics of this legendary trainer
Highly detailed, six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) cockpit
Interact with cockpit controls with your mouse
Fully modelled weapon system
Accurate L-39C model with correct country markings
Detailed modelling of the L-39 instruments, weapons, engine, radios, fuel, electrical and hydraulic systems
Fly from either the front seat or back seat
Planned cooperative multiplayer in the same aircraft (not available at release)
Modulo molto interessante, ma aspetterò che scenda un po di prezzo con i santi sconti...  [:angelo] [:angelo] [:angelo]
Per la cronaca hanno detto anche questo:

The L-39ZA will be part of the DCS: L-39 Albatros module, but it will probably not be included in the initial open beta release.

Another point: The Albatros module will be released as an open beta in September 2015 along with DCS World 1.5.0. This version will use the new rendering engine, but only include the Black Sea map.

Quindi uscirà a Settembre con una versione "ibrida" del World , cioè con la mappa attuale aggiornata parzialmente al nuovo motore grafico che in sostanza lo farà vedere solo in parte come del resto avevano già dichiarato a suo tempo...


Ecco la prima CHK list per:
- Start up Procedures
- Climb, Cruise and Descent Procedures
- Approach and Landing Procedures
- Shutdown Procedures

A breve dovrebbe esser corretta la chk nel seguente modo:

Page 1
2. OXYGEN SUPPLY: "be" formatted differently (2x)

Page 2
2x "100% O₂" (-> closing quotation marks are wrong height)
The red background switch "EMER" has (-> "has" is formatted differently) two positions: "OFF' (' -> ")
The valve is mechanically controlled and operated from either cockpits (-> cockpit) by a lever "FUEL SHUT-OFF VALVE".

Page 3
The radio has not a provision to select individual frequency ...
-> The radio does not have a provision to select individual frequencies ...

Page 4
..., when switched to the "ADF" position, enables to listen (-> insert "to") the ADF beacon signal in the pilot's headset.
When the helmet visor became (-> becomes) fogged during flight, ...
In case of sudden visor fogging, the (-> different formatting) ''QUICK" ...
... push-button should be depressed and hold (-> held), ...

Page 5
Temperature Knob: Turning the knob, the current utilized by (-> insert "the") visor beating (-> heating) system is increased or decreased.

3. Helmet Visor Heating Switch
4. Quick Heating Button
5. Temperature Controller
-> looks like 4. and 5. are swapped

... to the forward position (-> insert comma) the parking brakes are set ...
The instrument lighting switch has three position (-> positions):

Page 6
To reset the recording pointers to the normal I (-> 1) "g" position, ...

Page 7
... while theTAS (-> "the TAS") pointer indicates airspeed from 300 to 1,200 km/h.
... and the long outer pointer indicates increments of I00 (-> 100) meters and ...

Page 9
The turn indicator is a gyro instrument which provides a quantitative display of the rate of tum (-> turn) being performed.

Page 15
ADF CONTROL BOX - Descriptions for items 5. - 9. missing

Page 22
While the "J.P.T 730°C"light (-> "J.P.T 730°C" light) comes on during flight, ...
... will cause the "J.P.T. 700"C" (-> "J.P.T. 700°C") light comes (-> to come) on and in position II the "J.P.T 730"C" (-> "J.P.T. 700°C") light comes (-> to come) on.
The switch "EMERG" should be switched on whenever an (-> remove "an") emergency conditions are detected.

Page 24
If the boost pump fails to operate and DON'T START light does not go off within 5 seconds (-> insert comma) do not start the engine.

Page 27
If any of the following condition (-> conditions) is not met, abort start sequence by retarding the throttle to STOP.

Page 29
... pressure to 1.52-1.59 kplcm2 (-> kp/cm²) (22-23 psi) ...
... which is adequate for canopysealing (-> canopy sealing).
As the generator connects to the power supply (-> insert comma) the "GENERATOR" warning light (-> lights) extinguish in both cockpits.
The voltammeter then indicates the generator output voltage 28.5 V and currency (-> current) actually provided by the generator to the power supply.
..., the generator is automatically disconnected from the power supply and the "GENERATOR" warining (-> warning) light comes on.

Page 31
Should an icing sensor is not in the air stream on the ground, it does not indicate icing conditions. (<- sentence does not make sense to me)
... panel and the two shut-off valves are (-> two spaces, remove one) protected by ...
... "DE-ICING AIR SHOWER" C/B located on the aft (-> remove line break)
CB/switch panel.

Page 32
Evil ha scritto:
Non ho resistito  [:craniate]

hahahaha  :ohyes: :ohyes: :ohyes:
Grande Evil...dai che ci sto pensando anche io!!
Arrivoooooooooooooooooo  [fisc]
lo prendo!
............preso  [:craniate]
Evil ha scritto:
Gladius ha scritto:
............preso  [:craniate]

Ottimo, ci sei al ritrovo di questa settimana del gruppo dei compratori anonimi?

"Buonasera, mi chiamo Manuel, ho 32 anni e ho un problema di acquisto compulsivo"
[:panach11] [:panach11]


DUXFORD, UK, October 1st, 2015 – DCS: L-39 Albatros Open Beta Now Available!

Download from:

The L-39 Albatros is a low-wing, high-performance jet aircraft that doubles as a trainer and light attack aircraft. The Albatros was developed in Czechoslovakia in the 1960s to replace older L-29 jet trainers. Powered by an Ivchenko AI-25TL turbofan engine, the L-39 has a top speed of Mach 0.80, a service ceiling of 11,000 m (36,100 feet), and can pull up to 8 G. Although primarily used as a trainer and light attack aircraft, the L-39 has also become popular with several aerial acrobatics demonstration teams.

Being a trainer aircraft, the L-39C has a tandem cockpit with the student in front and the instructor in the back. The instructor has several controls to mimic system failures to test the student. The L-39C also has two underwing pylons for bombs, rockets and close range air-to-air missiles. For decades, the L-39 was used by nations around the world to train pilots that later went on to fly aircraft like the MiG-29 and Su-27.

A later evolution of the L-39 was the L-39ZA light attack aircraft. The ZA adds two additional weapon pylons and a center pylon to mount a gun pod. The ZA has proved a popular choice for low-intensity conflicts. The L-39ZA will be available later during the Open Beta.


Key features of the DCS: L-39 Albatros:

• Professional Flight Model that accurately mimics the performance and flight characteristics of this legendary trainer
• Highly detailed, six-degrees-of-freedom (6 DOF) cockpit
• Interact with cockpit controls with your mouse
• Fully modelled weapon systems
• Accurate L-39C and L-39ZA models with correct country markings
• Detailed modelling of the L-39 instruments, weapons, engine, radios, fuel, electrical and hydraulic systems
• Fly from either the front seat or back seat
• Planned cooperative multiplayer in the same aircraft (not available at release)

Please note that DCS: L-39 Albatros requires the newly released 1.5 Open Beta version of DCS World. You can download the DCS World 1.5 Open Beta here:

About DCS World

Digital Combat Simulator (DCS) World is a free-to-play digital battlefield, focusing on military aircraft simulation. It includes a FREE TF-51D and an Su-25T attack aircraft. DCS World includes a vast mission area of the Caucasus region that encompasses much of Georgia - the location of the 2008 conflict. Further maps will be available in 2015. Additionally, DCS World includes:

• Powerful mission and campaign editors
• Multiplayer
• Massive inventory of air, land and sea combat units and weapons
• Advanced AI
• Fast mission generator
• Dynamic weather and seasons
• Training missions
• Mission replay system
• Pilot logbook

This exceptionally detailed and realistic world simulation engine guarantees an engaging, real-world combat experience in this flashpoint region. DCS is a true "sandbox" simulation that can and will cover multiple time periods using many types of aircraft and ground vehicles. DCS World allows both realistic gameplay and more casual play styles to suit the player.

Download DCS World for free from:
Va a finire che lo prendo pure io... guarda eh.... e poi non lo uso.... [:pcaddio]
Verso la fine del video si vede la copertura che viene calata attorno al pilota per farlo volare unicamente leggendo la strumentazione e impedendogli di avere l'ausilio della vista fuori dall'abitacolo... [:pilota]