DCS-NEWS DCS: Flaming Cliffs 3


Personale a Terra
Questo simulatore doveva uscire a fine Settembre 2012... fatto stà che la data è stata spostata e non ancora confermata!

Tutte le novità le posteremo in questo topic!
Evvai! buone notizie per gli amanti dei cockpit dei velivoli russi di Ricardo!
Wags ha confermato che in FC3 i velivoli russi avranno i cockpit preparati da Ricardo:

Tradotto con google:

Beh, credo che il gatto è fuori dal sacco ora. Questo è uno degli elementi di cui ho fatto riferimento in precedenza su altri miglioramenti su cui stiamo lavorando per FC3 che hanno spinto un po 'indietro. Abbiamo acquistato l'opera d'arte da Ricardo e sono ora in fase di miglioramento e risolverlo. Ci auguriamo che questo sia un nuovo elemento per la liberazione di FC3.
Dopo il lavoro che avevano fatto per il 15 era il minimo!!! Dai che qualcosa di buono ogni tanto lo fanno pure loro. :P
Ultimo aggiornamento da parte di

Per un istante temevo di subire un' un utente ED Tester del forum della ED ha affermato che la foto ritrae un Su-25TM e non un Su-25T e che quelli della simhq hanno sbagliato la descrizione della foto.. Li cito per danni morali!!!



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E' disponibile il Pre-Purchase di Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3.

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Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 available as a pre-purchase digital download for $39.99. Pre-Purchase also provides access to Beta versions of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3.

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 Web Page:

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Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 (FC3) is the next evolution of the Flaming Cliffs series. FC3 features the F-15C, A-10A, Su-27, Su-33, MiG-29A, MiG-29S, Su-25T, and Su-25. FC3 aircraft provide an easy learning curve for new players and focuses on a broad range of aircraft rather than a detailed single aircraft. FC3 adds a number of new features and improvements to previous versions of the Flaming Cliffs series. FC3 is a module of DCS: World, which makes it compatible with all other DCS: World titles like A-10C, Black Shark 2, P-51D, and Combined Arms.

Key Features of Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 include:
• A DCS World module that is compatible with DCS titles.
• New 6 degrees of freedom (6DOF) cockpit and model for the F-15C.
• New F-15C campaign and single missions.
• Improved cockpit art for Russian aircraft.
• Improved landing dynamics.
• Improved flight dynamics for air-to-air missiles.
• Updated and improved HUDs and other cockpit systems.
• Resource Manager that adds logistics control to missions.
• Expanded theatre of operations map into eastern Georgia.
• Countless other improvements in the areas of the mission editor, special effects, new models, improved terrain detail and AI.

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 will require an installation of Lock On: Modern Air Combat or previous version Flaming Cliffs.

Pre-Purchase all'indirizzo:
Per quanto mi riguarda, col cavolo che gli do soldi prima che esca il simulatore...

Già sono in un ritardo mostruoso ed ora che sono quasi pronti a rilasciarlo lo mettono in Pre-Purchase??? Che senso ha? sono veramente messi così male?
Concordo, col cacchio che lo prendo in pre-purchase... prima voglio vederlo e poi se ne parla!! E cmq preferisco 10000000 volte di più l'UH-1H Huey e ovviamente il fighter tanto atteso...

Diciamo che l'unica nota positiva è quella che tutti i piloti che ora volano con FC2 volerebbero in ambiente DCSW e quindi di conseguenza potremmo volare tutti assieme! Tenendo conto che quando uscirà stò cavolo di fighter avremo risolto anche la dissociazione del livello di simulazione tra avanzato dell'A10C e semplificato di FC.

Comuque le novità dell'FC3 sarebbero le seguenti:

DCS World Integration

Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 operates as part of DCS World. As such, DCS World must be installed prior to installing Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3. DCS World is a new, free, combat simulation. DCS World provides a free-to-play Su-25T ground attack aircraft with no online restrictions. Online DCS: World includes friendly and enemy forces that can be controlled by other players or AI air and ground units. The purchase of additional DCS modules allows the player to have careers as pilots of the A-10C Warthog, KA-50 Black Shark attack helicopter, P-51D Mustang, or armor vehicle commander. You may read more about DCS: World and its modules at:

Common F-15C and A-10A Changes

– Updated US RWR threats display logic - threats in scan mode do not update their position continuously anymore.
– US RWR display symbology was made stabilized to the horizon.
– Glide slope/localizer deviation bars were removed from F-15C/A-10A HUDs.
– Adjusted F-15C/A-10A HUD gun reticle distance sector visual appearance.

New F-15C Cockpit and Updated Cockpit Systems

Perhaps the most noticeable new features with Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3 is the new, beautiful cockpit. This cockpit is fully rendered in every detail and provides 6 degrees of freedom of movement within the cockpit. This new cockpit includes both day and night lighting, an improved HUD that is focused to infinity, re-worked HUD symbols and many improvements and new functions for the radar and radar warning receiver:

– New flap position lights
– Flaps position lights logic was updated.
– AI & SAM warning lights are functional now.
– Active jamming is indicated by open X in the center of TEWS screen. Flashing X - standby, steady X - active.
– CHAFF/FLARE, and MINIMUM lights are operational now.
– Marker beacon light was made functional. MKR display was added on HUD.
– Added CSET display on HUD - is displayed for the first 10 seconds after ILS mode selection.
– Steer mode select knob was animated.
– Fixed HUD Integrated Flight Director indication.
– Added bank steering bar on HUD.
– HUD altitude scale is always barometric now.
– Removed radar altimeter scale from HUD.
– Fixed AoA scale and numeric indication on HUD.
– Adjusted HUD display logic of Mach number and current/maximum G displays.
– ADI light was made functional.
– Fixed unstable radar lock at certain ranges in the vertical scan mode.
– Radar scan zone in TWS is limited by 60 degrees now.
– DTWS scan zone automatic centering is implemented.

Changes to the A-10A

– Fixed bank steering pointer and bank indicator animation on ADI.
– Adjusted TVV position limits on HUD. Out of view arrow has been added for TVV.
– Pitch numerics were changed to Flight Path Angle numerics on HUD.
– Adjusted position limits of various HUD symbols.
– Reworked visual shape and display logic of the destination index (tadpole).
– Added TD box (steer point position) on HUD.
– Fixed visual appearance of the Target Designator Cue (TDC) on HUD.

Changes to the MiG-29 and Su-27/33

– Stations display was removed from Su-27/33 HUD.
– Radar scan zone on Russian aircrafts is now always centered on the tracked target in TWS.
– 'Target unlock' command is now functional in Russian TWS - current track and radar contacts data is cleared.
– Radar is correctly returns back to TWS (instead of RWS) on Russian aircrafts when STT is lost.

Common Changes to All Aircraft

– Fixed momentary jump of the HSI course pointer in some cases when steerpoint is switched.
– HSI course/bearing/distance pointers and ADI steering/deviation bars animation was made smooth in all aircrafts

Improved Air-to-Air Missile Flight Dynamics

– With a return to a heavy focus on air-to-air combat in Lock On: Flaming Cliffs 3, the flight dynamics physics of air-to-air missiles has been improved in multiple ways:
– Launcher platform speed, thrust, missile weight, total drag, gravity, etc. are all calculated to determine missile speed.
– Missiles now incur realistic energy bleed that accounts for drag, induced drag and gravity. Induced drag calculates g-load and that factors the missile’s lift. Missiles will now bleed energy very quickly if the target performs hard maneuvers.
– We added a longitudinal-load fuze arming type. The missile warhead of missile will only be armed after reaching the assigned longitudinal g-load (acceleration). Otherwise the missile will not detonate.
– We added a limited duration to the missile’s power system (gas-generator, generator and hydraulic pump). When the onboard power system is exhausted, the missile goes ballistic.
– We added a self-destruction timer. Some missiles will self-destruct when the timer is reached.
– We added altitude based of self-destruction. Some missiles will destruct when reaching an assigned altitude above ground level.
– We added a guidance timer delay. After launching a missile, the missile will fly straight from the from launcher for safety reasons before initiating the guidance stage. This is typically 0.3…1.5 seconds. For example: the R-27R missile flies unguided forward for 0.5 seconds before guidance to target starts.
– We added parameters of loft trajectory. The initial range to target, the range of transition to proportional navigation, and initial angle of loft are all factored
Se lo mettono in pre-purchase probabilmente sono ancora indietro, e secondo me il 4/12 non uscirà un bel niente. Tra l'altro non parlano di sistemazione della funzione TWS che sui russi non funziona e nemmeno l'HSI che in combattimento si blocca. Mah! :unsure:
Corro a comprarlo!
No Pigon guarda che lo hanno già rilasciato, il download è attivo... Solo che è una cavolo di super beta... Chissà quanti bug... Non lo compro perchè sennò cado in tentazione e lo installo... Ma poi vomito.... E io non voglio vomitare....

[quote="Karma" post=2694]No Pigon guarda che lo hanno già rilasciato, il download è attivo... Solo che è una cavolo di super beta... Chissà quanti bug... Non lo compro perchè sennò cado in tentazione e lo installo... Ma poi vomito.... E io non voglio vomitare....

Meno male che sono senza HDD :P
Lettera aperta a papà natale:
quest'anno sono stato tanto buono, per farli un po' contenti ho anche fatto finta di farmi abbattere da viking,karma e luigis in dogfight, ho salvato la pelle a vik sul 51, quindi potresti cortesemente regalarmi un TWS e un HSI funzionanti per il mig29, le luci strobo, il sub da 1200watt, i dadi rosa da appendere allo specchietto, l'adesivo MAJESTIC per il lunotto posteriore e 5000 litri di gasolio agricolo almeno riesco a stare su più di 20min?
Ajò e fammi questo favore!
[quote="Veritas" post=2686]
Changes to the A-10A

– Fixed bank steering pointer and bank indicator animation on ADI.


Sco l'hanno aggiustato!! MORT...I LORO! :P
Che sotto queste modifiche ai caccia russi ci sia scritto "il TWS funziona come è giusto che sia"?????
– Radar scan zone on Russian aircrafts is now always centered on the tracked target in TWS.
– 'Target unlock' command is now functional in Russian TWS - current track and radar contacts data is cleared.
– Radar is correctly returns back to TWS (instead of RWS) on Russian aircrafts when STT is lost.
Perdonatemi,ma acquistare la pre-purchase che vuol dire che quando uscira' la versione completa bisogna spendere di nuovo 39,90$?? :?